Aiebao Baby Carrier Price

Aiebao Baby Carrier Counterfeits

Aiebao Baby Carrier Price
Aiebao Baby Carrier Price

We understand that you want the best and safest products for your baby if the Aiebao Baby Carrier Price is too good to be true its usually because the product is a fake. Unfortunately, there are counterfeit and potentially dangerous copies of our Aiebao baby carriers on the market. We urge you to obtain genuine products from our website and educate yourself and others on how to purchase authorized products and how to avoid counterfeits that could potentially cause harm.

We pride ourselves on using high quality, certified materials produced in independently inspected factories that adhere to responsible work practices. Our Aiebao baby Carriers have attracted a host of international product awards and health endorsements and are the only baby carriers to be listed as one of the ‘Top 20 baby products over the last 20 years’ by Parenting magazine. Unfortunately, this success has also attracted unscrupulous copies.

Fake baby carriers are often seen on ebay and amazon and also in the secondhand market on places such as gumtree, or just your regular buy/swap/sell groups on facebook. If the price seems too good to be true, it probably is. Unless you can prove that the carrier is real (I’ll talk about how you can do that in a second), you should assume that it is fake.

Baby Carriers that are commonly reproduced like our Aiebao baby carriers. However, just about any type of carrier is susceptible and often carriers can be sold without even a brand name- these are pure cheap rip-offs.

Why You Shouldn’t Buy a Fake

Baby carriers hold our most precious cargo. And like car seats and prams, you should only purchase something that you are 100% confident will safely carry your baby. Fake baby carriers take shortcuts on materials, design, and offer no after-sales support.

Using a fake carrier risks your child coming into contact with textiles and dyes that are not safe for sensitive skin or to be sucked on – and babies chew/suck on everything!

It also risks issues like buckles breaking mid-use, limited safety features, seams tearing, fabric wearing thin, and more. The design itself may not adhere to safe babywearing practices, and it may lack appropriate instructions to ensure that you use it properly.

Authentic carriers go through oodles of testing and compliance before they’re allowed to be sold, and they nearly always come backed with a warranty.

Aside from that, you might also be concerned about the ethics of companies who produce and sell fakes. Their products are notorious for being low quality, but perhaps just as concerning are the personal values of the people behind them. Where do they stand on things like child labour, sweatshops, wages, tax, and other issues? Supporting a business by buying a fake can affect much more than just you and your baby.

How to Spot a Fake Aiebao Baby Carrier?

Sometimes, spotting a fake can come down to the finer details… this could include:

  • A different looking logo to the main brand
  • Contact information lacking
  • Less likely to include product registration information
  • May break easily
  • Stitching less neat
  • Lower quality materials
  • Different warning label
  • Different stitching colours
  • Different canvas colours
  • Packaging differences
  • Spelling errors
  1. Purchase Only From our website. To ensure you purchase only genuine Aiebao products, please remember that we maintain an official distribution network of Authorized Retailers and Authorized Online Retailers:
    1. Aiebao Official Website,
    2. Aiebao Authorized Retailers
  2. Be cautious of purchasing what are advertised as Aiebao products, either new or second-hand, on eBay, and other auction websites. Authorized Aiebao retailers are not permitted to sell products on eBay (with the single exception of BigBlueCastle) or other online auctions or trade boards, therefore Aiebao products on auction sites are often counterfeit. Unfortunately, Aiebao Customer Service cannot verify, confirm, or assist your purchase on eBay, Craigslist, or other online auction or trade board as we support purchases only through our Authorized Retailer lists. If you choose to purchase on these sites, you are purchasing at your own risk, and those products are not valid for warranty or support. Unfortunately, Aiebao is not responsible for such purchases; you will need to directly resolve such purchases with the site from where you purchased those products. Click here for our eBay partnership policy.
  3. Be wary of websites advertising Aiebao products. (other than from the Authorized Retailers list). Remember that these sites may be able to obtain product images, and even copy the whole official Aiebao baby carriers site, to advertise their counterfeit merchandise.
  4. Be cautious of Web sites that appear on Google, Bing or other search engines for ‘Aiebao’ or similar keywords or search terms, especially with the words ‘sale,’ ‘discount,’ ‘wholesale price,’ ‘factory direct,’ etc. Only the official Aiebao website ( in the US) and its Authorized Online Retailers websites are trusted online sources for purchasing genuine Aiebao products. Search engines (such as Google) do not pre-screen Web sites that appear in their search results.
  5. Our products are of a premium quality and construction. We have seen many counterfeit distributors offer ‘wholesale’ prices or ‘clearance’ and ‘sale’ discounts. If a deal seems too good to be true, question it – it usually is.
  6. Insist on secure transactions. Operations dealing in counterfeit products are likely to disregard the need to transmit and store customer data in a secure fashion or may use your purchase to capture your credit card information for fraud purposes. Avoid making a purchase if you are uncomfortable with the security of the transaction. When doing business online, make sure your payments are submitted via Web sites beginning with https:// (the ‘s’ stands for secure) and look for a lock symbol at the top/bottom of your browser. All Aiebao Authorized Retailers, the Aiebao official website, and Authorized Retailers websites, require a SSL transaction.
  7. Be wary of websites that contain Aiebao anywhere in the domain name (other than the Authorized Retailers list). If you are viewing Aiebao products online anywhere other than in the US or an Authorized Retailer in the US or globally, and the domain name includes “Aiebao” or any variation/repetition of this word, the site could be selling counterfeits.

Aiebao Baby Carrier Price

The price for a Aiebao Baby carrier ranges from $25 dollars for a Aiebao baby sling to $42 dollars for a Standard Aiebao baby hipseat carrier. check out our product pages for the full range of Aiebao baby carriers that we have in stock

If it feels like all you can afford are potentially dodgy baby carriers, I feel for you. 🙁 Babies are expensive! And it’s wonderful that you want to wear your baby!

I know you wouldn’t want to put your baby in harm’s way, but you also shouldn’t miss out on the amazing benefits of baby wearing just because of the cost of a decent carrier. Here’s what I recommend you do:

  • Go to a baby wearing meet as soon as you can. That way, you can try out some different options and know that the carrier you choose to invest in will be perfect for your situation (get a good fit from the start and you might only need one carrier, ever!).
  • Borrow a baby carrier from a local lending library (possibly even at your baby wearing meet).
  • Ask in a local baby wearing meet if anyone is willing to loan you something short-term.
  • If you feel as though it might work better with your budget, buy your carrier through a site that offers a payment plan or a service like AfterPay. That way you can get your Aiebao baby carrier immediately, and budget for the repayments over a period of time.

As with everything else in parenting… trust your instincts. If it feels wrong, it probably is.

Happy baby wearing!